Thursday 12 April 2012

3rd Times the Charm

When it came down to decision time, my parents decided that Iris didn't fit their lifestyle and that she would find a loving home through the Humane Society.  And because the deal was that there would be no complaining when she left from my brother or I, we had to say our goodbyes.  

Iris spent 1 week up for adoption before she was adopted by her first family.  Unfortunately the man lived in a small town house and worked too often, leaving Iris home alone for too long in a confined space.  In the end He had to return her as she barked all throughout the day.  

Iris spent a second week at the humane society and then was adopted by her second family.  The couple were two runners who were home often and were able to give her tones of attention and exercise.  But when Iris was brought home she found the owners cat, and chased her out into the backyard only to get swatted on the nose.  Iris then refused to come back into the house.  The couple returned Iris to the humane society the next day. 

 We went to visit Iris after she had been returned for the first time.  She was so excited to see us, and as much as I wanted to spend all the time with her, I tried to allow my mom as much time with her as possible, all in attempts to have them re-bond in hopes that she would get attached.

After a month of watching and waiting to see if Iris would find a home, my mother could no longer take the sight of Iris constantly getting shuffled between families and the shelter.  So the night after Iris' picture went back up on the adoption page for the third time, my mother called my father who was on a business trip at the time, and told him what she thought.  They came to decide that despite what they thought, they both truly loved Iris.  

The next day as I was sun tanning in my backyard before attending my night school class, from behind I heard something run across the pool cover.  When I looked to the end of the backyard, in a shadow I saw Iris' to large ears, and I knew! My parents had completely surprised us with her adopting, and it was the best surprise.  

In the end, sometimes the dog chooses you.

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