Wednesday 4 April 2012

5th week weening to feeding

At the beginning of the 5th week the puppies appetite had become so huge that we began to introduce dog food pablum into their diet.  Every morning 2 cups of dry dog food would get put into the magic bullet, until completely broken down and then warm water was added until the mixture came to almost a yogurt like consistency. With just one taste the puppies were enthralled by it, and although their diet at this point was split between the pablum and their mothers milk, this was the beginning of Iris weening them off the milk.  

It was given first on plates, then in troughs.

The puppies quadrupled in size from their large appetites, they ate pablum roughly 3 times a day and Iris would feed twice in the day and sometimes at night.  All their faces began to stretch out creating snouts, and their muscles developed just as fast as their feature.  They were constantly tearing around their play area, unfortunately the more they ate the more they pooped...

Bentley, Seymour, Murdoch
Nearing the end of the 5th week, Iris had significantly weened the pups off her milk, as a part of the natural growing process.  The Puppies teeth had come in and we were able to feed them whole kibble that had been slightly softened with warms water.

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