Wednesday 4 April 2012

1-2 weeks

During the first week the puppies slept and nursed constantly.  When you picked them up they tended to squeal like tinny pigs until they found your finger mistaking it for a nipple.  It was surprisingly ticklish.  The pups are completely blind at birth and remain this way for weeks, they rely completely on smell and heat to find their mother and siblings.

At 2 weeks old the puppies finally started to resemble a dog, their features became more prominent and their markings more noticeable, making it much easier for the 'puppy-challenged' people to tell them apart.  They also had begun to build muscle in their legs, they could crawl better, the larger once baring some weight on their front paws.  Some mornings we would come down to find that 1-2 of the puppies, between their height and their new found strength managing to pull themselves out of the pool over to their mother.

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