Wednesday 4 April 2012

Strung up in the Kitchen

The boys  ended up raising the height of the wall even more.  

Iris was sentenced to 3 weeks of being leashed.  Wherever she was Iris was attached to something, when we cooked she was connected to the kitchen table, when my mom gardened in the front yard she was attached to the bench, and when she realized she could pull that over, we changed it to the car.  The funny thing was, Iris didn't mind being tied up, in fact she became use to it, as long as she could see you, be near you she was a happy camper.  It didn't even come as a surprise when I saw Iris tied to the stairs as my mom wallpapered the bathroom. 

It wasn't until christmas when all my relatives came down with their dogs as well, that Iris was for the first time let off her leash to socialize.

At christmas we had a house full of 9people and 9 dogs...
but it made the rules incase of a fire very simple;

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