Wednesday 4 April 2012

Backyard field trips & the Importance of Socialization 6th week

nearing the end of the 5th week we took a field trip to the back yard...
... it was safe to say that everyone was a little spooked by the outside world.  
Just like anything, the backyard when first exposed to it scared the puppies.  The feeling of grass, the temperature of the air and all the new scents were a lot to take in for a small pup.  

Backyard Pen
At 6 weeks the puppies were much braver, my dad built them a small corral in the backyard where they could run and play during the day as their small pen in the house was no longer enough to keep them occupied all day.  

Puppy Manners
 We set up a third play area for them in the kitchen where they were able to tear around the table like a race track.  It may look just like play time, but just as a kid learns not to hit other children on the playground, the puppies are learning valuable life skills as well.  There is huge importance of socialization.  Unlike their mother, these pups have spent plenty of time in a safe environment where they can play together and learn their manners, without the fear of predators or constant hunger.  Iris having grown up in a very different environment, lacked regular social outlets, where she should have learned proper social behaviour of a dog.  So instead she barks at dog right in their face, constantly wants to jump on them and has no understanding of acceptable play.

Kitchen Fun

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